How A Family Law Attorney Helps You Through A Divorce

Posted on: 17 April 2019
When you have made the decision to divorce your spouse, a family law attorney is going to make the process easier. Even if you and your spouse are on good terms, the division of property can cause the two of you to start arguing. If you have children, dividing up parenting time often causes some stress as well. While you can file for a divorce and set up a temporary parenting schedule, you shouldn't sign anything that is permanent without having an attorney look it over for you.
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Getting a Second Job When You Are on a Work Visa

Posted on: 4 March 2019
Getting a job as an immigrant will often require having to apply for a visa. The company that you are hired for may have to sponsor your visa in order for you to be in the country legally. Once you have a work visa through your company, you will legally be able to begin working and making money within the country. One problem that you may discover after having dealt with your employment visa is that you do not make enough on your first job to sustain your living situation.
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Expunging A Criminal Record: What You Need To Know

Posted on: 31 January 2019
If you have a criminal conviction on your record, you may have experienced first-hand what an impact this can have on your life. For employers who run background checks, for instance, you may have a harder time finding a job. One option you may want to look into is that of having your criminal record expunged, which essentially allows your criminal conviction to be sealed off from public record. This can make it easier to secure employment or even get approved to lease an apartment.
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Legal Advice For Car Accident Victims Who Are Still Sitting On The Fence

Posted on: 17 December 2018
Being in a car accident tends to leave you with lots of questions. You are probably also a little wary about pursuing any legal action because you are just not that certain about what happened to you and whether or not a lawsuit is the right course of action. You can get some free legal advice from an auto accident attorney, but you have as of yet to pick up the phone to call an attorney.
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